Getting Help With Agoraphobia Therapy

Agoraphobia, also known as the fear of being naked in front of others, is a common phobia. However, most people who suffer from agoraphobia do not seek treatment. Those who do usually are not aware of the fact that there is help available for them. In the United States alone, approximately 14% of the adult population suffers from some type of phobia. It can be difficult for those who suffer from agoraphobia to find help.

There are two basic types of agoraphobia therapy. The first is cognitive therapy. The second is behavioral therapy. Cognitive therapy helps the individual understand what triggers their fears and how these triggers have a negative impact on their lives. This understanding helps them overcome their agoraphobia.

The cognitive approach involves training the person to perform certain tasks in a certain order. This helps the person learn to respond differently to stressful situations. It also helps them recognize their anxiety response and change the way they think. Once these behaviors are learned, they can be practiced whenever needed.

Behavioral therapy involves various exercises to help relax the body. It is sometimes used in conjunction with cognitive therapy. These exercises help to remove the emotional and physical stress that agoraphobia causes. Breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and guided imagery are common tools. Different activities may be combined depending on the situation.

When the patient undergoes cognitive therapy, they begin to realize that they have an aversion to being naked. This realization helps them realize that they do not need to be uncomfortable when in front of others. Being able to accept their fears helps them cope with agoraphobia more effectively. As they begin to accept themselves for who they are, they will become less self-conscious. Once they are at peace with themselves, they can face social situations with more confidence.

Behavioral therapy is sometimes used to supplement other forms of treatment. For example, if prescription drugs are not working, doctors may suggest a patient use hypnotherapy recording to help alleviate agoraphobia. The recording contains sounds of natural environments, such as flowing water or birds singing. It provides the patient with positive reinforcement and the hope that by listening to the recording, they will become comfortable with their fears.

Medications are usually not prescribed for this condition because it is not considered a medical disorder. In most cases, people suffering from this condition are able to deal with it on their own. Over the counter medication is available to help mitigate the symptoms of anxiety. However, it is always important to speak with your doctor before trying any medication.

The ultimate goal of agoraphobia therapy is to help the person become comfortable being naked in front of others. If this is achieved successfully, the person will no longer have a serious fear of being naked in front of others. This will allow them to have a much more socially tolerable existence. In some cases, this can even result in complete recovery from agoraphobia. The ultimate goal is to make the patient feel completely comfortable wearing a bare bottom.

One of the keys to successful therapy is to start slowly and work your way up. The person has to be willing to disclose their biggest fear so the therapist can find out what really triggers the problem. Sometimes therapy helps the person discover what makes them anxious before they even have a problem. Once a solution to the problem is uncovered, further treatment can be implemented. Sometimes the problem lies in how the person perceived events or stimuli before hand.

Other times, the problem arises from a medical cause. This may include thyroid problems or other underlying conditions. The person experiencing agoraphobia will require help to overcome their anxiety. There are medications available that can help the problem, but behavioral therapy is also very helpful.

In addition to the standard agoraphobia therapy, there are alternative methods that may prove helpful. Some believe psychotherapy works better than medication. Others believe that hypnosis or NLP can help the problem. Since there is not one specific method for this disorder, many therapists are incorporating several different strategies in order to help their patients. No matter what method is used, it is important that the patient seek help for their problem.

The agoraphobia condition is quite serious and should not be left untreated. Professional help should always be sought as soon as possible. The sooner the disorder is treated, the easier it will be to get rid of the problem. If you or someone you know needs help with their anxiety, contact your local treatment center today.


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