Borderline Personality Disorder Online Therapy - Helpful Or Hurtful?

If you have borderline personality disorder, you might be thinking about seeking treatment for yourself or a loved one. There are a number of online therapy options you can try, and they might work for you. This type of mental illness can cause you to have mood swings, constantly be in an upset or agitated mood, have difficulty concentrating, and feel detached from your world. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is usually diagnosed when a series of psychological symptoms for at least two years are seen in a patient.

These symptoms often take place with no obvious warning and can lead to severe and even devastating problems with your social and professional life. If you or someone you know may be suffering from BPD, you may be looking for information about online therapy. While many conventional psychiatrists and psychologists offer sessions as a part of their routine treatment, there are also a handful of therapists who specialize in this area. If you or someone you know has borderline personality disorder, you may find that one or more of the following treatments can help.

The first option for therapy is called cognitive behavioral therapy. This form of treatment is more geared towards controlling the thought processes and behavior patterns that cause the symptoms of BPD. You will meet with your therapist one or more times a week over a period of several months. You will share with your therapist about your thoughts and feelings, and he or she will determine which behaviors and thought patterns are causing these problems. For example, if you believe that you come across as too bossy or impatient with people close to you, your therapist may prescribe exercises that will help you relax during these situations.

If you think you have a social phobia, you may seek help from your therapist in dealing with small and group social occasions. You will learn how to relax when you are around a crowd and how to put yourself in control of your emotions and reactions so that you will not break out in a fit of rage. You may also learn how to keep your temper when you are annoyed at another person, as this can help you avoid acting inappropriately when you are angry. You may also find that exercising will help you cope with the symptoms of BPD.

If you are suffering from panic disorder, then you should consider talking to a therapist who deals with panic disorders. Many of the symptoms of BPD are similar to symptoms of a panic attack, so you may feel as if you are constantly anxious or on edge when you are in public places. One way to combat this is by learning to breathe deeply and slowly, and by being patient with yourself. You may also want to invest in a good book about relaxation techniques, as this can help you overcome anxiety. Relaxation is a key element to controlling and overcoming BPD, and this book could prove very helpful.

If you suffer from depression, you should look to a psychiatrist or psychologist who deals with this type of disorder. While you can get medications prescribed by your doctor to help you with symptoms of BPD, it is important to know that these medications are only a temporary solution. Medication does help you feel better but it is a short-term fix for your problem. If you want to take a more comprehensive approach to treatment, then it may be time to seek out the help of a trained therapist or counselor.

Cognitive behavioral therapy can be a helpful tool to help you work through your issues. You should consult a professional who has a good track record for treating patients with BPD. This type of counseling can teach you how to recognize negative thoughts and how to deal with them. You may be encouraged to practice breathing exercises to help control your anxiety. You may also learn how to focus and remain calm when you are overwhelmed. You will have to work with your therapist for it to be effective, however.

It is important to understand that while borderline personality disorder online therapy can help you overcome your issues, you must first accept that you have a problem. You must accept that you do not feel comfortable with your behavior and that there are things that you need help with. Self-help books on the subject can be helpful but they cannot cure you. Only you can do that.


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