Symptoms of Panic Attacks and Anxiety Attack


A panic attack is an abrupt sudden episode of extreme anxiety which causes severe, sudden physical reactions even when there's no apparent cause or threat. Panic attacks, however, can also be incredibly frightening. If panic attacks ever happen, you may think you're having a heart attack, losing control or even dying right then and there. It is, however, far from these things. Although the symptoms are similar to ones that come about with heart disease, chest pain or shortness of breath, panic attacks are indications that your body is under stress. Learning to cope with them properly can help you learn how to deal with your anxiety levels.

To understand how to handle panic attacks, it helps to know how they're caused. The prevailing theory on the causes of panic attacks is that they're the result of an unresolved fear. You may believe that a stranger is menacing you or is about to harm you, and your body begins to experience symptoms in anticipation of the potential peril. These symptoms become so powerful that they over-power your reasoning and convince you that you are in great danger. This over-stimulation of your body triggers a flight or fight response, and the resulting panic disorder.

While scientists have yet to find any definite cause or explanation for panic attacks, they have found that they can stem from a variety of possible situations or factors. Some people experience panic attacks when they're surrounded by large groups of people, while others may be more comfortable in smaller, more secluded areas. Other people experience panic attacks while at home or at work, while other people experience them when dealing with serious stressors such as losing a job, facing a death in the family or during periods of financial uncertainty. Regardless of where you experience them, though, understanding what they are and how they can manifest can help you manage them more effectively.

One of the most common symptoms of panic attacks is sudden, intense numbness. This can occur both consciously and sub-consciously. Typically, the numbness begins in the neck and reaches all the way down to your hands. This numbness is commonly described as tingling, but the sensation can also be more frustrating, causing people to experience gnashing of the teeth, difficulty breathing, and increased heart rate. The sensation is usually most overwhelming within the first few minutes, although some people can endure it for up to ten minutes before feeling numbness overcomes them and they lose control of their body.

Panic disorder symptoms can develop in many people, although the symptoms tend to vary from one person to another. Common symptoms include excessive sweating, a rapid heartbeat, chills or hot flashes, dry mouth, dizziness, and a fear of dying or losing control. It's important that you recognize these symptoms if you believe you may be suffering from this disorder, because there are times when these symptoms can lead to serious physical complications such as hypothermia, cardiac arrest, or even death. If you develop panic disorder, it's important that you visit a doctor as soon as possible to receive proper treatment to address the problem and prevent other symptoms from occurring.

One other common disorder that can cause panic attacks and the development of agoraphobia is social anxiety disorder. People with social anxiety disorder are afraid of being around a large group of people, as well as being embarrassed by their own physical symptoms. People with agoraphobia also fear leaving their homes and interacting with other people on a regular basis. Even the thought of being in an unfamiliar place can trigger a panic attack or develop agoraphobia. Unfortunately, many times these fears become so severe that they prevent people from leaving the house and interacting with friends and family members, which make their disorder much worse.

Although these two disorders are by far the most common, you can also suffer from another type of panic disorder called panic disorder due to social phobia. When dealing with social phobia, people suffering from this disorder have extreme fears of being humiliated or embarrassed by their own symptoms and are almost never able to leave their homes due to their fears. This disorder can have very real and harmful physical and psychological effects, and if left untreated can have detrimental effects on a person's social, emotional, and psychological health.

These types of panic attacks and anxiety attack symptoms need to be addressed by a qualified professional. You don't have to live with this debilitating condition and its symptoms indefinitely. You deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin. Don't spend time feeling ashamed or embarrassed about your symptoms, contact an anxiety disorder expert who can help you overcome your anxiety and get back to living a normal life.


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